Sex education for women in Rural India

Suraksha Project is an initiative to "Educate Rural Women about the choice of contraceptives and basic information about HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. We have organized more than  100 medical camps across 56 villages, educating women about “Contraception (Garbha-nirodhak Upaya) , Knowledge about the transmission of HIV infection, and prevention of sexually transmitted infection.

Impact created 

  • 2K+ lives touched
  • Educational camps across 56 villages

Multipurpose Prevention Technologies for the Developing World

Multipurpose Prevention Technologies for the Developing World

Over the past 50 years, U.S. government investments in research and innovation have played a major role in improving the lives of women, children and families worldwide. Investments in sexual and reproductive health technologies, including contraceptives, vaccines, diagnostic tools

Unmet need of family planning

Unmet need of family planning

In developing countries about half of sexually active women of reproductive age, or 818 million women, want to avoid pregnancy, meaning that they do not want to become pregnant for at least two years or want to stop childbearing altogether.
